
Implant Dentures Ruined My Face

Implant Dentures Ruined My Face are considered a game changer for people who have lost all of their natural teeth. They are supposed to function better, look more natural and give greater stability than regular dentures. However, my case couldn’t be further from this narrative. What was sold to me as a cosmetic solution that would improve my smile and overall quality of life ended up negatively altering my face — and not in the way you’d expect to happen when you voluntarily pay tens of thousands of dollars to a cosmetic dentist for an aesthetic facial procedure. This is my story.

What is  Implant Dentures Ruined My Face?

Implant Dentures Ruined My Face also referred to as implant-supported dentures, are overdenture types which are attached to dental implants on the jawbone. By contrast with traditional dentures that rest on the gums and can be removed, implant dentures are designed with greater stability and security in mind. The implants function as artificial tooth roots which support the dentures well preventing jawbone resorption.

In spite of being uncomfortable and frequently slipping, traditional dentures are still used in the current world and they have quite a number of benefits that come with them. They improve the speech function, aesthetic values, and chewing efficiency of individuals also get positively impacted by this kind of technology. However, it is possible to find out that these types of dental equipment may pose certain risks and difficulties as I had realised.

Experiences Leading to Facial Changes

When I first opted for implant dentures, I was hopeful and excited. The idea of a permanent fix to my dental troubles seemed like a good one, and I thought that the operation would drastically improve both my looks and my self-esteem. But things didn’t really turn out the way I had expected them to.

The process kicked off with a consultation and some tests to see if I was the right person for the implants. After that I was put into the schedule for the surgery, in which your jawbone had placed the implants. The healing process at first was hard however I kept hope thinking that all temporary discomfort would turn out to have permanent results.

Gradually, with the passage of time, I was able to detect those minor distinction in my facial structure. My cheeks seemed sunken and my smile was no longer similar. In the beginning this changes I thought were part of the normal healing process but with time the condition advanced and this got me worried.

Physical Changes Noticed

One of most sad changes I noticed was change in my facial stucture. My cheeks which were once so full and young looking turned into hollowness giving me a malnourished look and it wasn’t something that only I could see everytime I looked in the mirror but it certainly was not helping me with my self esteem.

My smile which has always been one of my favorite features was not the same. It appeared that the implant dentures had shifted the position of my natural teeth making them look unnatural and uneven. This impacted how I felt physically but also emotionally as I was unable to express myself in the way that I used to.

Their implications on human psychology were quite deep. I wasn’t comfortable in my own skin and shied away from many social situations, for I feared criticism and judgement. The let down and frustration of putting time into a procedure in order to better your life, and then the negative outcomes were too much to handle.

Common Issues with Implant Dentures

My experience is not unique, and many others have reported the same problems with implant dentures. Here are some of the things I commonly hear people complain about:

  • Misalignment and Fitting Problems: Implant Dentures must be precisely aligned. Misalignment can cause discomfort, difficulty chewing and an unnatural look.
  • Bone Loss and Its Repercussions: Implant dentures are dependent on the health and density of the jawbone for support. There are instances where bone loss may occur around the implants causing them to become loose and further facial changes to your appearance.
  • Aesthetic Concerns: Many patients are not happy with the way their implant supported denture looks. This includes the teeth, gum tissue, and overall facial appearance.

Seeking Solutions

After I understood what changes happened and how they influence my life I decided to find a way to solve the problems. So, I visited some dentists in order to understand my situation and identify possible ways of solving this issue.

One of the options I thought about was taking out my implant dentures and going back to regular dentures. They don’t have the same stability, but they can be adjusted or altered much easier for esthetic reasons. The other option was having more surgery to try to fix the alignment or fit of my implant dentures.

It was through this journey, I came to understand why research and having real expectations is important and how consulting more than one professional and getting a second or even third opinion really helps you to gain perspective on what could be fishy.

VII. Conclusion

My experience with implant dentures has been a journey, to say the least. I won’t go into details, but I will say they are not for everyone and they do come with risks. However, if you haven’t been able to wear dentures due to severe gagging or discomfort, or if your mandible arch has shrunk to the point of no return like mine had, then they are your only option outside of going without teeth altogether (either that or a bone graft). It is important to note that everyone’s anatomy is different and the outcome can vary based on each individual’s bone density and structure.

If you’re considering implant dentures, I would advise you to really think about it. Talk with some dentists that have experience and know what all your options are. Your smile and your face is worth it and if you do decide to do something like this, you want to make sure you get the results that are possible.

My story is a warning but also an example of how tenacious and driven you have to be to get through it. I’m writing this to help others make those choices and hopefully save people the so many levels of hardship I had to go through. Your health should come before anything.

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